Well, that time of the year is here once again. No, I’m not talking about Christmas (although that IS coming up pretty soon). I’m talking about the last two weeks of school before Winter Break! Now for normal students, this would be a time of immense joy. However, being in IB gives you a more, shall we say, pessimistic view of holidays, for they are nothing more than extra time which teachers can use to force homework upon us. Fortunately, or unfortunately for most people (myself included), our Internal Assessments and World Literature papers are all due on the 16th of December.I have to do some serious work on these papers, as I have to hand in my rough draft tomorrow… I’ve started on two out of the three papers, but I know that I’ll soon be scrambling to get them done. Add to that 104 report cards that need to be completed for my swim classes, and homework from Physics online, and we have ourselves a recipe for disaster.  Funnily enough, I’m looking forward to this challenge. Let’s see if I can handle it without totally breaking down =].

As a side note, for anyone in my school who is reading this, come to room 209 at lunchtime this week in order to sign up to donate blood this weekend. Visit www.bloodservices.ca for more information, and be sure to go to the FAQ section to answer all of your burning questions =D. Give the ultimate gift this winter. Give someone the gift of life.