Tag Archive: end


I’m sure that all of you must have heard about the fact that the end of the world will begin tomorrow. A Christian group is saying that tomorrow Christ will come to the Earth and take with him the souls of his true followers. As they ascend to Heaven, the rest of us heretics will burn in “death, disease, and destruction.” However, their suffering will only last for six months, because the world will actually end on October 21st. I, as a non-Christian, am slightly appalled by this statement. How can a group of people place themselves above us, and doom us all to torture while they reach the pearly gates? Why are we unable to go to Heaven with them? To me, it seems like a clear case of discrimination based on religion. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the Bible say something about treating everyone fairly and equally? It just seems a bit weird that Jesus would take a select few people with him, and leave the rest of us to die.

The sad part of this whole ordeal is that people are following this lunatic (Camping).  Mr Camping previously predicted the end of the world in 1994. When it didn’t happen, he stated that he made some “mistakes in [his] calculations.” Now, however, he states that his calculations are perfect, and that there is no chance that the Rapture will not occur tomorrow. Even so, thousands of people all over the world have quit their jobs, sold their houses and cars, and generally divested themselves of all of their material possessions so that they will be taken by Christ. These people are also draining their savings to fund this group. If the Rapture occurs, and they are not taken, their lives will be over anyway. I, for one, don’t give a damn. People are too impressionable, and if they decide to throw away their lives on the chance that the world may end on May 21st, then let them. It’s just Darwinism in action. Hopefully the gene that causes them to have this much stupidity will be weeded out of the general population, and will not allow idiots like Camping to gain more followers in the future.

Here’s to May 22nd.

Positivity Post #9

I wonder sometimes about the fate of humanity. December 21, 2012 is getting closer and closer, and time is running out. Of course, the feeling of impending disaster is only applicable to those who believe in this theory. I don’t care either way. From what I’ve heard, if there is a cataclysm, then all humans will die, and there’s nothing that I can do to stop it: so why worry about it? If nothing happens, the conspiracy theorists and doomsayers will simply come up with a new hypothesis about the way the world will end. So where does the worrying come into play? The answer is simple; it doesn’t. There is absolutely no need to worry about the things which you can’t change. No matter how firmly you proclaim your atheism, all humans have to accept that there are forces acting upon our rock that are much greater than our own. While these forces may not be divine, they can certainly be all-encompassing. We are told in our childhood that all humans are made of cosmic material and that is true; the elements found within our bodies are also found within stars. Our seasons, our tides, even the effect upon our bodies by our Moon, are all events that we cannot control. Even though we can’t control them, we don’t worry about them, although they do affect us adversely at some times. Similarly, why should we be worried about the course that nature has planned for us? The Earth, its flora and fauna, its mountains, volcanoes, oceans, and glaciers, have all been around for billions of years before the evolution of humans, and they will continue to exist for millennia after we are gone. We are an inconsequential addition to the mass of this planet, so we should not worry ourselves about its fate. An asteroid the size of a continent could be on a collision course with Earth at this very moment, and we would be powerless to stop it. Our Sun could have sent out a massive solar flare, capable of disrupting electronic communications worldwide, and we wouldn’t even know until 8 minutes later, by which time it would be too late to take any action. The world might come to an end in 2012, or it might not. In either case, we should spend more time with our loved ones, as much as we can, so that we do not feel regret when our time finally, indubitably, arrives.