Tag Archive: teenagers

Positivity Post #4

Spending time with your loved ones is never a bad thing. In fact, I believe that we don’t spend enough time with our families, especially as teenagers. We wake up (grudgingly) early in the morning to go to school. We have limited contact with our parents at this time, because everyone is in a rush to get to school or to go to work. We don’t see them throughout the day, and when we get home, we sit in our rooms, studying or chatting on Facebook and MSN. We, as teenagers, need to take the time out of our busy schedules and utilize that time with our parents. They have dedicated their lives into making us who we are today, and we should reciprocate that love in any way we can. Spending a little time with my parents really brightened up my day today =].


As a teenager in my last year of high school, I have wondered many times about the influence of parents on our lives. Every so often I get into an argument with my mom about my studies, or with my dad about many different life topics (last time it was spiritual self-realization). I know that both of them are extremely knowledgeable, but some days I feel, as I am sure most teenagers do, that I know more about some things than they do.

For example, have you ever had your parents come up to you and get angry at you for not doing homework? This happens to me almost every day, and each day I try in vain to explain to my parents that just because they did not see me doing my homework does not mean that I did not do it (that sounds confusing, I know). They always tell me that I am lazy and that I procrastinate, even when I point out that I hand most, if not all, of my work in on time. I also frequently mention to them that I’m in IB, and that I have an immense workload from the get-go. However, this usually reinforces their point about not seeing me do any homework, and once again leads to an argument about my after-school productivity.

For my next trick, I will call upon the well-known fact which states that most teenagers believe they know more than their parents, and by extension, everything there is to know. Too often we get into arguments with the figures of authority in our lives, trying to prove them wrong. The funny part is that we continue to argue even when we know we are wrong. There are very few teens who can stop an argument and admit to their parents that they are wrong. Even so, is it true that we, as teenagers, know more about some areas of life than our parents do? Or is age the determining factor in terms of life experience?

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